Lori Wysocki
How Does Red Light Therapy Help People with Arthritis? - Rouge Care

How Does Red Light Therapy Help People with Arthritis?

Red light and near-infrared have actually been used in the clinical treatment of arthritis since the late 1980s. There have been hundreds of clinical studies looking to determine the parameters of effectiveness. With over 40 years of research, enough scientific data has been collected to recommend it for all arthritis sufferers no matter the cause or severity.

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What's Involved with Post-Operative Rehabilitation using Red Light Therapy? - Rouge Care

What's Involved with Post-Operative Rehabilitation using Red Light Therapy?

Post-operative rehabilitation can be tough and strenuous, with a lot of focus on physical recovery. Learn about how red light therapy can help with the post-operative recovery process and overall wellness!

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Diana Schoutsen
At last, Red Light Therapy for Menstrual Relief - Rouge Care

At last, Red Light Therapy for Menstrual Relief

Next time that Aunt Flo makes her monthly visit and the dreading feeling of staying in bed all day creeps up once again, don’t despair - we have the solution to help comfort you. Red Light Therapy can offer an alternative to medication to soothe PMS and discomfort.

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Diana Schoutsen
Hit the ground running with Red Light Therapy

Hit the ground running with Red Light Therapy

Ready, set, and go! Rouge is your best bet to combat running-related injuries. Rouge is the most effective device to get back to your running routine post running related setbacks. Here we outline all the benefits of using Rouge to add to your running routine.

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