We recognize that light plays a key role in health and wellness, but with so many different possible treatment times/distance combinations and benefits, it is great to get some professional guidance on how to use your Rouge Red Light Therapy device at its optimal ability to help you in your journey.
Lori, our Certified Light Therapist is part of the Rouge Team, here to help you learn more about red light therapy as it pertains to you. Sessions are booked according to availability in the appointment calendar and are half an hour in length.
Lori Wysocki is a Light Therapy Practitioner, and the owner and operator of Inner
Wellness in Burlington, Ontario Canada.
After exhausting several options to treat her daughter’s chronic pain she discovered Red
Light Therapy. Learning about the far reaching health benefits of this innovative therapy
she was inspired to help others and became a Certified Light Therapist with the Board of
Advanced Natural Health and Sciences.
Lori has been involved more than 25 years in the health and care-giving profession. These
years of experience, combined with her open, friendly nature, passion and
professionalism, result in a unique experience for her clients. Lori believes that real health
and vitality is something cultivated throughout life, and that Light is an integral part of
Disclaimer: A light therapy consult is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to
be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the
advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you
may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.