Some things in life take patience and dedication. From losing weight, to mastering a new skill, to breaking a habit, there are many activities that don’t have immediate results, and this can be discouraging to many people. This is particularly true in our current era of immediate gratification, where you can get your Amazon delivery in less than a day, and we’re sold quick fixes in the form of miracle supplements and fad diets.
It’s safe to say that, like any health and wellness approach that’s worth its salt, you likely won’t see immediate results from red light therapy. This can lead people to slack off on treatments or quit them altogether out of the erroneous belief that it’s simply not working. To avoid this, it’s best to know what you’re in for ahead of time and plan accordingly. Here’s a quick primer on how long it takes for red light therapy to work and what to expect from your treatment.
It May Take Up to 4 Months to See Results From Red Light Therapy
It helps to think of red light therapy as exercise for your cells. Much like with weightlifting for your muscles and cardio for your heart and lungs, red light therapy strengthens your cells’ ability to produce energy (how exactly does it do this? This article explains the process in detail). You certainly wouldn’t expect significant changes to your physique after one or two trips to the gym. Similarly, you must go easy on your cells: it’s a gradual process.
However, just as each individual responds to exercise in their own unique way, some people may see faster results than others. Eventually, however, changes will come if you’re willing to persevere. No one goes to the gym every day for three months without seeing some changes. The problem is that so many give up before this point.
From a Rouge customer: This light has given me more pain relief than any medication I’ve tried. It has truly changed my life! I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after no doctor or specialist could find a reason for my chronic pain. I use a pain diary and since using the light, most days are 2-4 on the pain scale, occasionally higher. Before most days were 5-7 and frequently 8-9. It took a little while to figure out the right distance and dose time
Consistency Is Your Greatest Ally for Seeing Red Light Therapy Results
To see results, make sure you’re using your device the minimum recommended 3-5 times per week. Sessions should generally be between 10-20 minutes long. While the more frequent the sessions the better (every day is ideal), increasing the length of individual sessions has not been shown to increase efficacy. For a more detailed overview of how often you should use red light therapy, check out this blog post.
Making dinner, working out, helping with homework, preparing lunch, doing laundry - the list of things you have to do in a day - not even counting a full days’ work - is exhaustive (and exhausting!) We realize it can be difficult to incorporate yet another 20-minute activity into your day, particularly one that involves mainly being still with blackout goggles on. It’s well worth it, though. Plus, it’s a great way to incorporate self-care into your day. And you don’t have to let it stop you from multitasking - we’ve compiled a list of things you can do during your red light therapy treatments to maximize your time.
Take Steps to Track Your Progress
If you’ll allow us to revisit the gym metaphor, you’ll likely start noticing results based on how your clothes fit, what the scale reads, how many reps you can do, or how long you can last on the treadmill. Even then, you may not notice your progress until there’s a major difference, or until other people start noticing.
With red light therapy, you may actually be improving for a time before you see an obvious difference, as changes can be incremental. One way to help you determine if your treatments are effective is to keep a log of your progress. It can be in the form of before-and-after photos for physical improvements such as weight loss or skin firming, for example. Make sure that you eat a clean and balanced diet to support your skin's best health. Also, optimize your skin health in the summer by visiting our latest blog post on Tips for Healthy Summer Skin – Rouge Care.
For more hidden issues such as chronic pain or sleep disturbances, you might consider keeping a health journal in which you record how you feel (for example, level of pain) as well as various factors that may affect your treatment. Reading your entries may reveal changes you were unaware of, and it could also help you determine the treatment schedule that works best for you (for instance, some people find sleep issues are better treated in the morning rather than the evening, and vice versa).
What Happens When You Do Achieve the Desired Results?
Your pain is all but gone; your eyesight has improved; your skin is firmer and younger looking: now what? Should you maintain the same schedule? Or can you stop treatments altogether? The answer lies somewhere in the middle.
We don’t recommend stopping treatment, unless your issue is completely resolved, for instance, a wound that’s healed completely without scarring. For chronic or aesthetic issues, once you’ve achieved the results you’re looking for, you may go into the maintenance phase of treatment. This means you can go down to 2-3 sessions per week, or whatever you feel comfortable with. If your symptoms start to reappear, simply ramp up treatment once again. For optimal and sustained health benefits, however, we recommend making daily or near-daily treatments a permanent part of your routine.
Red Light Therapy At Home Is Your Best Option for Optimal Effectiveness
The bottom line is that if you don’t see improvements within the first few sessions, or even within the first few weeks, don’t sweat it. This might be easier said than done, however, if you’ve opted for red light therapy treatment in a professional setting. With each individual session costing upwards of $100, you may start to feel some financial strain, and, well, red light therapy can help with a lot of things, but it can’t fix your bank account.
Given that results can take some time, and that frequent sessions is the key to seeing results at all, your best bet is to invest in a personal red light therapy device. Not only will you save time with the convenience of having access to treatment in your own home, you’ll save loads of money on treatment. In fact, a Rouge Red Light Therapy panel costs as little as a handful of visits to the clinic or spa.
Don’t know which device is best for your needs? Check out our guide to choosing a red light therapy device here, or shop the Rouge family of red light therapy devices here.
Some roads to better health are longer than others, and some are slower at getting there. But all journeys begin with a single step. Get started today!
I have a Rouge panel. How far from it should I sit/stand for therapy for Parkinson’s Disease and concomminant muscle soreness and depression?
Rouge Canada replied:
Hi there! Thank you for the great question. Please understand that basic guidelines are all we can give as anything more specific would be construed as medical advice which we are not allowed to dispense. We can certainly encourage research on the topic; if you google photobiomodulation and/or Red Light Therapy in combination with the condition you are interested in searching about, you may find that red light therapy is indeed a good fit for what you are seeking. For insightful guidance (please note that this is not medical advice) we suggest that you book a session with our certified light therapist. You can also purchase Ari Whitten’s book The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy which is available on Amazon in different formats. We also provide a general dosing guideline below which you can work with to develop your routine. We recommend checking with a doctor or healthcare provider before starting red light therapy. Additionally, red light therapy guidance is usually given in ranges, times and distances are suggestions; so you won’t get the recommendations for an exact dose, in order to allow you to adjust the time and distance to suit your needs. The best time/distance combination is very unique to each person and you will get the benefits with small variations, it is not like a drug where you need exact dosage, it is never harmful to use too much of too little, you simply have to tweak your time and distance by increasing or decreasing, and with that you can experiment to see what works best. We have general guidelines, so that people have lots of room to adjust their treatments accordingly. For some more insight into treatment protocols we recommend Ari Whitten’s book The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy which is available on Amazon in different formats. Please feel free to privately message us for closer guidelines pertaining to the benefits that we have seen in studies and we would be happy to share them with you, or you could check out the following blog posts and the studies that are referenced in them: Can Red Light Therapy May Help Alleviate Parkinsons’ Symptoms – Some Promising Research Emerges A Light in the Dark: Red Light Therapy for Depression – Rouge Care I am not familiar with the condition you are referring to for muscle soreness but here is a blog post that discusses muscle soreness in general How Red Light Therapy Can Help Recovery From a Pulled Muscle – Rouge Care Wishing you the best of luck on your wellness journey! The Rouge Team
Visit us at rouge.care
Hi can you put your head near to the table top red light box to enhance hair growth. Many thanks
Hi there, yes we have an irradiance chart available with all the product pictures, and dosage guidelines available in our FAQ’s section.
Is there a chart somewhere what to target area how far my tabletop should be how long to use it